The Arsenal Files 3
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█████ OS/2 Support
█████ Path: \OS2
| FORMAT * OS/2 3.0 WARP and BonusPak.
4047OD1.EXE [0] Driver Disk of the Installation Utilities
| version 4.01 for the ValueWriter 600 Lexmark,
| 4047 5E.
4076COS2.EXE [0] OS/2 Setup/Driver Disk version 4.04 for the
| ExecJet IIc 4076 by Lexmark.
4DOS55A.ZIP [0] 4DOS 5.5 <ASP> - The award-winning
| COMMAND.COM replacement for MS-DOS, PC-DOS,
| DR DOS, and OS/2, with command enhancements,
| over 50 new commands, many other features.
| Part A, see 4DOS55B.ZIP for part B. For
| optional reference manual see JP4REF.ZIP.
| Shareware, $49 full registration.
4DOS55B.ZIP [0] 4DOS 5.5 <ASP> - The award-winning
| COMMAND.COM replacement for MS-DOS, PC-DOS,
| DR DOS, and OS/2 with command enhancements,
| over 50 new commands, many other features.
| Part B, see 4DOS50A.ZIP for part A. For
| optional reference manual see JP4REF.ZIP.
| Shareware, $49 full registration.
4OS216A.ZIP [0] 4OS2 2.5 <ASP> - The enhanced command
| processor for OS/2. Command enhancements,
| over 50 new commands, many other features.
| 16-bit files, part A, for OS/2 1.x and 2.0.
| Skip this file and see 4OS232A.ZIP for 32-bit
| part A; for all other files (part B) see
| 4OS225B.ZIP. Optional reference manual in
| JP4REF.ZIP. Shareware, $69 registration.
4OS225B.ZIP [0] 4OS2 2.5 <ASP> - The enhanced command
| processor for OS/2. Command enhancements,
| over 50 new commands, many other features.
| This file contains help, docs, etc. Also see
| part A in 4OS216A.ZIP (16-bit, OS/2 1.x and
| 2.0) or 4OS232A.ZIP (32-bit, OS/2 2.1 and
| above). Optional reference manual in
| JP4REF.ZIP. Shareware, $69 registration.
4OS232A.ZIP [0] 4OS2 2.5 <ASP> - The enhanced command
| processor for OS/2. Command enhancements,
| over 50 new commands, many other features.
| 32-bit files, part A, for OS/2 2.1 only. Skip
| this file and see 4OS216A.ZIP for 16-bit part
| A; for all other files (part B) see
| 4OS225B.ZIP. Optional reference manual in
| JP4REF.ZIP. Shareware, $69 registration.
586NPX.ZIP [0] 586NPX OS/2 Device Driver to "turn off"
| Pentium floating point operations
7027_US.ZIP [0] DB2/2 v1.0 Query Manager Select Pak WR07027
| containing fixes since WR07015. Supercedes
| WR07022. Requires prequisite of WR07015.
800INF.ZIP [0] Used to Provide Feedback regarding the
| "Personal Systems Support Family Support
| Center User's Guide" and "Personal Systems
| Support Family Problem Reporting Guide"
AFIX042.ZIP [0] AFIX V0.42 An EchoArea Manager by Jesper
| Brondum, supports Squish, autocreate,
| autolink and maintenance by downlinks
AH274X.TXT [0] WARPTIPS Hang info on AH274x cards
AHA164.ZIP [0] AHA164 WARP Adaptec 164x fix. APAR= PJ16074,
ALBT163.ZIP [0] ALBATROS CD Player is a compact disk (CD)
| player for OS/2 2.x which will allow you to
| play your compact audio disks. Features
| Repeat Track, Repeat Disk, Random Play, Intro
| Play, Program Play, Remembers the program for
| each CD, LCD Style Display with customizable
| font, Remembers Titles and Tracks, Displays
| Title and Track of CD while Playing or while
| iconized, and more. Requires an OS/2
| supported CD-ROM capable of playing audio.
ALPHAL.ZIP [0] OS/2 - Presentation Manager C Program. This
| procedure is called before Alpha writes the
| line of text.
AMOS310.ZIP [0] AMOS v3.10 AMOS v3 is a TSR for mounting HPFS
| drives from DOS: Fast! NOT Crippleware
| Reliable! Read Only driver Works with all of
| your DOS/Win apps! Release date: 18th
| November 1994
ANS004.ZIP [0] - Answering Machine application For OS/2 2.x
| and beyond - Works with voice modems with a
| Rockwell chips ~~~~~ This is an update to the
| 0.03 version, this v fixes some instability
| and ads a few minor fe to the user interface.
APMTST.ZIP [0] IBM EWS. PM Automation Tool. Drive a PM
| application running on the same or a
| different PC.
AQUANAUT.ZIP [0] An OS/2 PM MMPM/2-enabled shoot-em-up arcade
| game
ATAPI.ZIP [0] IBM OS/2 2.x/3.x IDE CD Driver for IDE CD-ROM
| Drives.
BERN231.ZIP [0] Version 2.31 (date 12/12/94) drivers for
| Iomega's Bernoulli boxes.
BITVUE12.ZIP [0] Freeware multi-file bitmap viewer with drag
| and drop capabilities ver 1.2. Requires
| VROBJ.DLL. Old ver was bmpview1.zip. Does NOT
| replace BMPVIEW3.ZIP (different author).
BLANKER4.ZIP [0] PM screen saver for OS/2 2.x
BMP2TEX1.ZIP [0] BMP2TEX - BitMap to LaTeX converter Converts
| Windows3 or OS/2 2.00 bitmaps to LaTeX files.
| Executable for OS/2 2.xx. Ansi C source
| included. *PUBLIC DOMAIN*
BM_WARP.TXT [0] Tips on solving problems with BackMaster
| under Warp.
BOOTOS2.ZIP [0] OS/2 v2 Boot System Create Utility
BSAD_D.ZIP [0] add-on for BocaSoft WipeOut screen saver for
| OS/2 2.x
BUMMER.ZIP [0] Bummer for OS/2 is an OS/2 PM adaptation of a
| classic board game. Great graphics and very
| addicting. NOTE! Must be run at 800 x 600 or
| higher.
BZGREP20.ZIP [0] Freeware grep for OS/2.
C00005.TXT [0] WARPTIPS C0000005 on Diskette 1
CCAMET.ZIP [0] CCaMeter OS/2 CPU Activity Monitor. Displays
| amount of CPU being used on a SMALL Bar Graph
| located at bottom/left corner of DestTop
| screen. Uses small amount of memory and
| almost no CPU time.
CCNIAK.ZIP [0] This command can be used for starting a SLIP
| connection to a TIA provider from OS/2 Warp
| Internet Access Kit. This starts slip from an
| os2 window rather than using the PM interface.
CDDRVR.ZIP [0] All the CDDRVR fixes for WARP to get around
| CD Install problems.
| C-interpreter;bach/rexx-enhancer;Automator-
| CEnvi gives the OS/2 professional a complete
| C-like environment, including the standard
| library and kernel/DLL calls, in an easy-to-
| use form and all in one 150K executable. Now
| 'C' is as easy to use as a batch file, and
| can even mix with batch or REXX.
CFGBETA.ZIP [0] CFGBETA.ZIP if a final and general beta of
| version 3 of CNFGINFO.EXE. This program is an
| excellent utility for learning about and
| optimizing your OS/2 config.sys file. I need
| your feedback!
CHATR.ZIP [0] ChatterBox V3.50. Sends and receives messages
| over a LAN. Similar to programs that display
| and change text on screen with data from a
| text file, except it's input by users, and
| displayed on everyone's screen.
CHKSTO.ZIP [0] OS/2 - Transfers control to LOGON resource
| which has all the code needed to run logon
| programs.
CRON.ZIP [0] Simple but efficient and functional UNIX cron
| clone for OS/2.
CS4231.ZIP [0] Thinkpad Crystal Semi 4231 Audio Device
| Driver for OS/2
CTL0008.LST [0] CSET++ Readme File
CTL0008.ZIP [0] Class Libraries Grouping (Informal) (For
| Version 2.0)
CTM0008.LST [0] CSET++ Readme File
CTM0008.ZIP [0] Class Libraries Grouping (Informal) (For
| Version 2.1)
CTS0009.LST [0] C Set ++ Class Libraries Source Version 2.01
| Fixes List
CTS0009.ZIP [0] C Set ++ Class Libraries Source Version 2.01
DATABASE.TXT [0] 11/15/94. Database.txt file from OS/2 Warp V3
DFB16.ZIP [0] >>>>>>>> Data Flow Benchmark v1.6 <<<<<<<<
| Determines the cpu type, size and properties
| of cache, main memory and video adapter.
| Tests memory bandwitdh and data throughput
| between these components. OS/2 2.x required.
| Lots of fixes and improvements.
DISKIO14.ZIP [0] This is a simple fixed disk benchmark for
| OS/2.
DNTRDY.TXT [0] WARPTIPS Drive Not Ready Error comments
DRPNZIP.ZIP [0] PM Interface to Zip/Unzip (req. VROBJ.DLL).
DSIOW2.ZIP [0] -=[ DSiOW/2 ]=- Its Finaly Here! Dos SysOps
| In an OS/2 World Issue 2. A MUST for all
| SysOps Running a Dos Based BBS Under OS/2.
| Download this Today!!!
DSN4OA.ZIP [0] Developer Support News. 1994 issue 15
DTCSCSI.EXE [0] OS/2 - DOS - WINDOWS drivers for the DTC SCSI
| adapter.
EABRWS03.ZIP [0] Browser/editor for extended attributes, WARP
| update (beta). By Henk Kelder.
EDMI2-10.ZIP [0] EDM/2 Electronic Developer's Magazine Volume
| 2 Issue 10
EDMI2-11.ZIP [0] EDM/2 Electronic Developer's Magazine Volume
| 2 Issue 11
ENTRTAN4.ZIP [0] Entertainment pack for OS/2. 6 PM games.
ETLR21B3.ZIP [0] E-Teller bank/ccard management utility
| Filename:- ETELR21b.ZIP - Version 2.1 of
| E-Teller, a bank and credit card account
| management utility for OS/2. Refer to
| whats.new for new/fixed features.
EWSCAT.TXT [0] IBM OS/2 Employee Written Software Catalog
FAN_240.ZIP [0] FAN is a comprehensive file announcing
| program for BBS systems running under OS/2 or
| DOS. It incorporates many features not found
| in "all in one" file processing packages.
| Support for 1600+ file areas, FAN is ideal
| for large FDN or Satellite based sites.
| Announcements can be sent to ASCII text
| files, *.PKT files, *.MSG, Squish, or JAM
| formatted message bases. Messages can be
| customized using FAN macros
FC2_121.ZIP [0] File Commander/2 v1.21, Norton Commander(TM)
| (DOS) clone for OS/2 Provides powerful file
| management functions, program launch, text
| viewing and editing facilities in 32 bit OS/2
| text mode.
FILEB190.ZIP [0] FileBar 1.90 - Utility for OS/2 2.x and Warp
| v3.0. FileBar is an application launch
| facility & shell replacement for OS/2. Uses
| less memory than IBM's WPS and gives more
| memory back to your applications. Great for 4
| or 8 MB systems and has passwording features
| which make it ideal for network environments!
| Contains bug fixes and some new features!
FLEETB98.ZIP [0] FleetStreet 0.98wb for OS/2 2.x/3.x PM is a
| flexible and powerful FTN message reader for
| Squish & *.MSG areas, multithreaded, 32 bit,
| CUA'91, drag'n'drop, highly configurable,
| engl., german and italian version, requires
| SquishP 1.1x! Now with Rexx support!
FM2_214.ZIP [0] FM/2 v2.14 An OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bit
| file/directory/ archive maintenance package
| with plenty of bells and whistles a Swiss
| army knife for OS/2.
FODDER.ZIP [0] A take off of the old Apple 2 game Snakebite
FPAK953.ZIP [0] Fix-Pack for FleetStreet 0.95wb, updates
| 0.95wb to 0.95.3wb. Solves problems when
| updating from 0.90wb. Solves WARPII problems.
| Fix for 0.95.2.
FSP2-10A.ZIP [0] FSP port to OS/2 version 1.0a. TCP/IP 2.0 and
FTL08.ZIP [0] FTL - FTPD Tracefile Logger - generates usage
| reports from FTPD -t tracefiles.
FULLPACK.ZIP [0] Revision 1.00. Want to set up your BBS under
| OS/2 but not sure where to begin?
| FULLPACK.ZIP contains everything you'll need
| from start to finish to get your DOS-Based BB
| up and running under OS/2 with minimal
| downtime. FULLPACK includes sample batch file
| various bug fixes, the newest SIO drivers,
| and anything else you'll need to get you on
| your way!
GAMEREV1.ZIP [0] OS/2 Games - Electronic Magazine Review
GBU106.ZIP [0] Good, Bad, & Ugly hardware FAQ V1.06 Hardware
| that has been tested against OS/2. Some
| works, some doesn't.
GENDACS3.ZIP [0] Utility for running SVGA on S3 card w/ GENDAC
GENINS.TXT [0] WARPTIPS General Install Problems
GIGP1106.ZIP [0] GIGO (pre 1.00) - Fidonet<->UUCP Gateway Pkg.
| Features services such as ftpmail server,
| mail- list->echo conversion, moderating of
| newsgroups thru fidonet mail, sysop-defined
| mail/news headers, wildcard gateway
| translations, full node/net/zone routing
| security, CC:, multiple routing style, full
| bang!path support,
GOPHER.ZIP [0] This version of Gopher is exactly the same as
| the version supplied with the Bonus Pack in
| OS/2 Warp: it is made available for those
| users who cannot yet upgrade to OS/2 Warp
GOSERV.ZIP [0] Using Goserve as an HTTP (World Wide Web)
| server
GO_13.ZIP [0] GO! v1.3 - List, switch to and Kill running
| processes.
GRP2FLD.ZIP [0] Convert Windows .GRP files to real OS/2
| Workplace Folders. GRP2FLD: Another great
| OS/2 product from The Netherlands.
GSCD4X.ZIP [0] OS/2 Goldstar R400/R420 CD Driver 94/12/04.
| CD driver for the Goldstar (Reveal MFX18 kit)
| R420 CD drive.
GWHANG.TXT [0] WARPTIPS GATEWAY Hang and need for new BIOS
HALOS2.ZIP [0] Halite Update for WARP
HELR21.ZIP [0] OS/2 arcade game with MMPM/2 sound. Fly a
| helicopter in different battlefields & rescue
| all hostages.
HERCOS.ZIP [0] Installing Tseng W32 Video Drivers.
| Instructions, not incl. w/Warp, may apply to
| other Tseng W32 video adaptors. If video card
| has Tseng W32 chips and have trouble with
| Windows or video resolution, procedures may
| solve pro
HHGOS28.ZIP [0] The Hitchhiker's Guide to OS/2 version 2.8
HPFS2F.TXT [0] Convert HPFS to FAT. Bought Stacker 1.1 for
| OS/2 and DOS; had to convert my main drive to
| FAT. There is no information going this way
| instead of the other. It was an adventure;
| many tricks and bugs presented themselves.
HPFSTL16.ZIP [0] PM HPFS-Undelete & Sector Editor (no DELDIR
| required!)
HSWTCH05.ZIP [0] Ver. 1.6. Switch sessions in OS/2 from within
| full screen sessions. OS/2 and DOS - not
| WIN-OS/2. New: added color support,
| messagebar, killing/closing session. By Henk
| Kelder.
HTMLWIZ.ZIP [0] Beta release of HTML Wizard for OS/2, an HTML
| editor. Not all tags are implemented yet.
IBB124.ZIP [0] Itty-Bitty Black Book/2 Version 1.24,
| Replaces/Updates LBB2_123.ZIP, 32-bit PM
| multi-media aware Address Book.
| driver
ICONT180.ZIP [0] Icontool vs 1.80. Manipulate with icons and
| objects on your Desktop. WARP update. By Henk
| Kelder.
ICPACDN1.ZIP [0] 3 Oct/94 refresh. Disk 1 of 2, PS
| Configurator (OS/2 version). Some price
| changes, bug fixes, flow improvements.
IDE.TXT [0] WARPTIPS List of IDE Drives supported.
IDEFAQ00.ZIP [0] Frequently Asked Questions on IDE controllers
| and drives. Includes the new ATA-2 specs.
| Version 0.
IDX2HTML.ZIP [0] Convert Hobbes FTP 00index.txt files to html
| format for use on Web servers.
INIMT33A.ZIP [0] IniMaint v3.3, for maintaining and
| manipulating INI files.
JLIST01.ZIP [0] JList is a program which is able to display
| text files which have Japanese characters
| (Kana and Kanji) in them.
JP4ADD.ZIP [0] *Optional* ASCII reference manual Addendum fo
| 4DOS 5.5, 4OS2 2.5, and 4DOS/NT 2.5. Only
| useful if you have a printed Reference Manual
| for 4DOS 5.0 / 4OS2 2.0 / 4DOS/NT 2.0. For
| 4DOS files see 4DOS55A.ZIP and 4DOS55B.ZIP,
| for 4OS2 see 4OS216A.ZIP, 4OS232A.ZIP, and
| 4OS225B.ZIP; for 4DOS/NT see 4DOSNT25.ZIP.
JULIAN.ZIP [0] Allows you to see date in the 1-365 (0-364)
| ... or other silly format ...
KA2_11.ZIP [0] Kitchen Assistant/2 ver 1.1 - A PM recipe
| manager for OS/2. Search for recipes based on
| word(s) in title, Group, or ingredient.
| Metric/USA conversion. Imports Meal-Master,
| compChef, MasterCook. Shareware
KORT_IMG.ZIP [0] KORT_IMG converts a large disk image (for use
| with VMDISK) into a smaller one, the total
| length of all files as mentioned in the
| directory of the diskette.
LCD100G2.ZIP [0] LoraCD 1.00g2 Evaluation - TRY ME - [] Add
| CD-ROM areas to Lora conf. [] Import area
| descriptions. [] Hide areas on offline
| CD-ROM. [] Lot of cfg for new added areas []
| Support up to release 2.40b3 [] DOS and OS2
| executables [] Low cost registration ;-) -
LIST1_56.ZIP [0] LIST2 fileviewer v1.56, for OS/2, DOS & WIN32.
LISTDL.ZIP [0] LISTDLL.CMD is an OS/2 REXX program which
| will build an ASCII file containing a listing
| of any DLL conflicts found in LIBPATH in
| CONFIG.SYS as well as creating a sorted list
| of all "addressable" DLLs by DLL name.
LMSPBL.TXT [0] WARPTIPS Philips LMS drive /m Problem
LOUTIP.ZIP [0] Lou Miranda's Tips for OS/2 Warp. This is a
| zipped INF file that graphically shows some
| useful tips for beginner and intermediate
| OS/2 Warp users. Updates planned, suggestions
| are welcome!
LR11B.ZIP [0] LinkRight Patch 1.1B, a pair of parallel port
| drivers (LRPAR02.SYS for MCA, LRPAR.SYS for
| others) which fix bugs in the earlier
| versions.
LSESSERV.NWS [0] OS/2 1.3, ES & LS ServicePaks, SelectPaks
| Status
LSTBX4.ZIP [0] Replacement for OS/2 list box.
M32V85.ZIP [0] ATI Mach 32 Drivers for OS/2.
MADPOP10.ZIP [0] MADPOP.CMD - Ultra-simple REXX-based POP3
| Client for OS/2 2.X.
MANGLER2.ZIP [0] MANGLER2! OS/2 Version of Micro-Neil's
| Encryption software. Streaming private key
| encryption system changes the key with each
| new byte of data.. even if the key gets
| stolen, a spy would find it useless unless
| they had ever
MAXSRT12.ZIP [0] MAXimus CBCS User Sort and Maintenance
| Utility V 1.2 (OS/2+DOS)
MCLIP.ZIP [0] ManyClip provides multiple OS/2 PM text
| clipboards. Version 3.3.
MD2_10B2.ZIP [0] MainDoor 1.00 (pre-release) - Powerful native
| 32-bit mailer. Autoinstall, menu driven
| setup, no need for fossil or nodelist.
| Support for 20 AKAs, file request processor,
| CHAT during file transfer. Support for
| On-line time nodelist flag. A MUST for all
| points and nodes.
MEDPM101.ZIP [0] * MUEd/PM Version 1.01 * Copyright 1994,
| Craig Morrison A simple PM based user editor
| for Maximus v2.xx. Freeware.
MESA.TXT [0] November 7, 1994. Athena Design, Inc. Ships
| Mesa(TM) 2 for OS/2(R)
MFILE121.ZIP [0] MaxFile/2 v1.21 - A text based FILES.BBS
| manager for OS/2. Written specifically with
| the OS/2 sysop in mind. FILE_ID.DIZ import,
| archiver and viewer functions, all files
| list, nightly maintinance, and much much more!
MFJOBPAT.ZIP [0] Automatically patch mfjob-files created by
| dvi*
MILES2.ZIP [0] Mile Bones/2 is a driving card game.
MIME64.ZIP [0] This archive contains a 32-bit OS/2
| executable for MIME64, a MIME en-/decoder. To
| use it, you need the emx runtime package (the
| DLLs EMXLIBC.DLL and EMX.DLL are required.)
MKBKO020.ZIP [0] This is a simple, but nevertheless quite
| useful REXX script that can be used to create
| program objects for .INF and other
| documentation files in a simple manner.
MMOUGA94.ZIP [0] Mid-misouri os/2 user group newsletter,
| August 94. Includes photos from PSP Tech
| Update in Atlanta
MOUSEPEN.ZIP [0] PM Character and Handwriting recognition
| program, this example uses a Neural Network.
MPM1_25.ZIP [0] MaxFile/PM v1.25 - A FILES.BBS manager for
| Presentation Manager under OS/2. Drag and
| Drop, FILE_ID.DIZ import, archiver and viewer
| functions, and much much more! MaxFile/PM is
| in a class by itself for managing FILES.BBS
| files from your desktop. All BBS's using
| FILES.BBS file listings are supported.
MUED102.ZIP [0] =<* MUEd/PM Professional 1.02 *>= Copyright
| 1994, Craig Morrison. A powerful PM based
| user editor for Maximus v2.xx. Context
| sensitive online help, REXX Macros, Tool Bar
| and point'n'click access to your user fille!
| Shareware, $15.
MUREXX01.ZIP [0] MaxUserREXX is a REXX callable dynamic link
| library. With MaxUserREXX and REXX you can
| write REXX command scripts that will allow
| you to manipulate your Maximus v2.xx
| USER.BBS, LASTUSER.BBS files, and others.
NCFTPB1.ZIP [0] Beta port of NcFTP, an enhanced FTP program.
NEC260.TXT [0] WARPTIPS NEC260 Install info
NEC260.ZIP [0] *BETA* NEC 260 IDE CD-ROM Device Driver for
| OS/2 2.x
NECSCSI.ZIP [0] Drivers for the NEC 16-bit SCSI Adaptor Kit
| which includes the Trantor T160 SCSI card.
| Included drivers are T160SCSI.ADD (for the
| card) and OS2CDROM.DMD (which includes the
| newer NEC CD-ROMs).
NSUITE1A.ZIP [0] NetSuite for OS/2, contains NetSuite news
| NNTP Newsreader, NetSuite Gopher and NetSuite
| FTP, requires IBM or FTP Software's TCP/IP
| product for OS/2.
OFFOPT.TXT [0] WARPTIPS Other OPTIONAL Service offerings
| (fee based)
ONTRAC.ZIP [0] ONTRAC OS/2 ON-TRACK Files for disks with GT
| 1024 Cylinders. OS/2 fix for their Disk
| Manager 6.03 product.
OS2CAT09.ZIP [0] An OS/2 PM diskette cataloger.
OS2C_100.ZIP [0] OS/2-Commander v1.00 - The final File Command
| OS/2-Commander is the final Norton Commander
| It offers an integrated archive-handling, bet
| a user-definable menu, a Tree-function, the m
| FIND-function you've ever seen and much more!
| support, enhanced sysop features, full networ
| and now with WCD support.
OS2FAXES.ZIP [0] Selection of OS/2 WARP and 2.x fax documents
| for problem resolution....
OS2GAMES.EXE [0] Self extracting zip of updated CHESS and
| KLONDIKE for OS/2. MMPM enabled, Drag and
| drop, Notebook settings, programable bitmap
| sets and more.
OS2P21.ZIP [0] OS/2 2.11 PCMCIA Socket Services support for
| the following AST Laptop models. Bravo, Power
| Exec, and Ascentia 900N
OS2P30.ZIP [0] OS/2 WARP PCMCIA Socket Services support for
| the following AST Laptop models. Bravo, Power
| Exec, and Ascentia 900N
OS2PCL3.EXE [0] OS/2 Driver for the IBM ExecJet II 4076
OS2PCL5.EXE [0] OS/2 Driver version 1.156a for IBM
| LaserPrinters 4029
OS2VSCHG.TXT [0] Warp vs Chicago: The White Paper (ascii
| format).
OS2_031A.ZIP [0] OS/2 multimedia audio support for the
| Advanced Gravis Ultrasound line of audio
| cards.
OS2_03OR.ZIP [0] OnScreen/2 fileviewer v2.03, for OS/2, DOS &
| Win32. Loads OS/2, MAC & Unix text files,
| also supports binary files. Features
| redirected stdin, hex mode, bookmarks, syntax
| highlighting, styles etc.
OS2_141.ZIP [0] Promise caching IDE Controller drivers v1.41B
| with docs explaining how to bypass the
| dreaded HPFS INI trashing bug.
OS643A.EXE [0] Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM drivers for OS/2 2.x
| Version 1.03 Disk #1/2.
OS643B.EXE [0] Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM drivers for OS/2 2.x
| Version 1.03 Disk #2/2.
OSIN5BCD.FAX [0] WARP5INS. FAX to create your own 5 1/4 in.
| diskettes for a CD Version of WARP install.
OSIN5BDS.FAX [0] WARP5INS. FAX to create your own 5 1/4 in.
| diskettes for a Diskette version of WARP
| install.
OSLITE11.TXT [0] Executable compression utility
P2P_FT.ZIP [0] File Transfer for P2P/2. Person to Person
| included in OS/2 Warp v3 does not include the
| File Transfer utility shipped with the retail
| copy of P2P. This file contains the files
| necessary to add File Transfer to a P2P/2 inst
PCMTAB.ZIP [0] PCM OS/2 Compatable Systems
PENT_BUG.ZIP [0] Small Program to detect whether your CPU has
| the FDIV bug recently found in the Pentium.
| Executables included for OS/2 2.x and up, and
| for DOS, plus (the tiny) source code.
PERFORM.TXT [0] November 10, 1994. Performance comparison of
| OS/2 Warp and WFW.
PFAQ32.ZIP [0] OS/2 Programming FAQ ver. 3.2
PMCMD.ZIP [0] Lignum PMCMD v1.1 is a PM interface to OS/2
| command shells. It is not a command shell
| itself, but it provides many features which
| make the use of command line much easier.
PMPOVF.ZIP [0] POVFrame is an OS/2 PM shell for the raytraci
| POV-Ray. Provides WPS DeskTop, point & click,
| using either the INCLUDED (text mode) OS/2 co
| or the "official" POV Team's DOS compile of P
| a simple animation interface for using the PO
| option. Also has a DTA control panel for gene
| Incl.: POVFRAME, OS/2 compile of POV-Ray 2.2,
| programs. Also includes OS/2 INF format POV-R
| ShareWare (US $20), not crippled. Requires OS
| Version: POVFrame 4.0
PMPOZE.ZIP [0] PMPoze is a notational composer/player of
| digital music files known as MOD files.
PMPZ12.ZIP [0] Digital Music Composer for MMPM/2. PMPpoze is
| a digital music composer/player that runs
| under MMPM/2. It is a notational composer and
| uses sound samples (SAMs) for musical
| instruments.
PMSTRIKE.ZIP [0] PM Strike v1.02e. Task list switcher for OS/2
PMWIP101.ZIP [0] PM WIPE for OS/2 Version 1.01
| ____________________________________________
| PM WIPE is an easy-to-use PM program for an
| unrecoverable deletion of files and
| subdirectories. PM WIPE wipes (deletes) files
| and subdirectories by overwriting the files
| contents with 'X' characters and deleting all
| files and subdirectories so that they cannot
| be recovered by the OS/2 UNDELETE command.
PMZPR14.ZIP [0] PMZipper 1.4 ZIP,UNZIP,Drag & Drop,Checkout.
| OS/2 PM. Add,extract,delete,create and view.
| ARJ, LZH, ZIP, ZOO, unpack & unpack2.exe WARP
| 3.0 revision. Archive utility.
QW4FIX.ZIP [0] 11/09/94. Quicken 4 (Windows) fix to enable
| it to run under OS/2.
RESERV.TXT [0] OS/2 Warp Reserve.sys usage text. Warp
| provides a resource manager to control access
| to device resources (ports, memory, irq,
| dma). Device drivers have to be modified to
| support this. Controls resource allocations
| for non
REXXC2.ZIP [0] REXXCC 2.05, a Tiny REXX "Compiler".
| "Compiles" an OS/2 REXX program by
| substituting the source code of the REXX
| program with any text. The OS/2 REXX
| interpreter stores a tokenized copy of each
| executed REXX program in EAs
REXXLB.ZIP [0] REXXLIB - OS/2 REXX function package library.
| A collection of over 150 functions designed
| to extend the capabilities of REXX in OS/2.
RFLOW100.ZIP [0] v1.00 - ReFlow: Reflows your FILES.BBS from
| HUGE one-line descriptions to smaller, easier
| to read descriptions. Most useful to the
| Maximus(tm) SysOp tired of the 255 character
| description limit. As an added bonus, ReFlow
| can also create 4DOS/4OS2(tm) compatible
| description files! TWO programs for the price
| of one, FREE! OS/2 and bound DOS versions
| included. (C)1994 Spudsian Software
ROIDS23.ZIP [0] Roids 2.3 - A Multimedia PM space demolition
| game. Features include: - High speed action!
| - 24 Levels! - Nasty Bad Guys! - Cool
| Explosions! - MMPM Sound Effects! -
| Multi-threaded 32-bit performance! - Lots of
RXDATE11.ZIP [0] RexxDate is a REXX function package for
| manipulating calendar dates.
RX_SLIP.ZIP [0] Set of REXX programs to monitor a com port
| running SLIP, and kill and restart slip if
| the carrier is lost. One command file for use
| with cron, another standalone.
S3_864D1.DSK [0] An OS/2 graphics Accelerator driver
| supporting the Vision 864 86C864 chipset from
| S3 Incorporated. Disk #1. Use Loaddskf.exe
| from LOADDF.ZIP to create diskette
S3_864D2.DSK [0] An OS/2 graphics Accelerator driver
| supporting the Vision 864 86C864 chipset from
| S3 Incorporated. Disk #2. Use Loaddskf.exe
| from LOADDF.ZIP to create diskette.
S3_964.TXT [0] WARPTIPS S3 driver for 964 Inst. from S3 Corp.
S64WAR.TXT [0] These instructions are for installing the
| Stealth 64 Drivers into Warp. This file uses
| the Stealth 64 VRAM in it's text, but will
| work with the Stealth 64 VRAM, or DRAM.
SCRCRD32.ZIP [0] track your golf outings, score, handicap
SEAHAV21.ZIP [0] SeaHaven Towers v2.1 for OS/2 is a solitaire
| card game.
SHOWBMP.ZIP [0] ShowBMP is a 32-bit OS/2 application which
| displays OS/2 version 1x and version 2x and
| Windows BMP files. It can save a bitmap as an
| OS/2 version 1x or 2x BMP file. It supports
| cut & paste and screen capture.
SIO140.ZIP [0] Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS/2, V1.40.
| SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements of the
| OS2 communications drivers COM.SYS and
| VCOM.SYS which come with OS/2. VX00.SYS
| provides FOSSIL and virtual 16550 support for
| DOS programs SIO can be ordered to supporting
| any number of ports. Now has a virtual modem
| for Internet access.
SJIICX.TXT [0] DeskScan and Warp and ScanJet IICX. Deskscan
| V2.1 runs perfectly under OS/2 Warp if steps
| in this file are followed exactly. Will run
| in a WIN-OS/2 Separate Session with no
| problems. For ScanJet IICX and Switchless
SLIPWARP.ZIP [0] Configuration files, script, and
| documentation on setting up OS/2 Warp's
| Internet Software with a third party Internet
| Provider (in this case CRIS) for SLIP access.
SPEEDLIM.ZIP [0] Speed limit bitmap for Warp (by Doug Azzarito)
SVD116.ZIP [0] Super Virtual Disk driver V1.16 for OS/2 2.1.
| SVDisk provides a swappable/lockable/removabl
| virtual disk or virtual floppy using OS/2's
| advanced memory management facility. Virtual
| disk can be anything from 16KB to 16MB, and
| virtual floppy supports 360KB to 2.88MB
| devices, including XDF device for managing
| XDF diskette images in OS/2 Warp Version 3.
| Virtual floppy device can be dynamically
| reconfigured. You can even create multiple
SVGAKT17.ZIP [0] This SVGAKIT for emx is an extension of the
| fullscreen graphics library of emx.
SWAP.TXT [0] WARPTIPS SWAPPER usage explaination
TBROWS.ZIP [0] PM File Browser. This 32-bit, Multi-threaded
| program, will display Text files in a PM
| window, it is fully customizable, allowing
| changes you to choose your favorite font and
| screen color combinations.
TEAM09.ZIP [0] Team OS/2 member list (alphabetical and by
| country) as of October 1994
TECHICON.ZIP [0] A collection of 40x40 256 color icons for the
| OS/2 2.x desktop based on a "techie" control
| panel type theme. Contains templates for
| rolling your own.
TELDR001.ZIP [0] BBS Door to enable users of an OS/2 BBS to
| login to an Internet host.
TETRAVEX.ZIP [0] Tetravex, Brain teasing game for OS/2 2.x and
| 3.x PM.
TEXB12.ZIP [0] emTeX is an implementation of TeX running on
| OS/2 and MS-DOS.
TMFAQ210.ZIP [0] Team OS/2 Frequently Asked Question list -
TNEW09.ZIP [0] Team OS/2 newsletter, October 1994
TOOLS53.ZIP [0] Small collection of misc. system utilities
TRICKS5.ZIP [0] Stupid os/2 tricks #5. Os/2 tips in .INF
| format.
TXT2PS.ZIP [0] Enhances the usability of OS/2 PostScript
| printers by permitting the user to leave the
| printer in PostScript mode and still print
| text sent to the printer spooler
UCHESS.ZIP [0] UChess 1.12GA is the first release version of
| UChess, a 32 bit pentium optimized PM native
| mode chess program. Based on gnuchess 4pl73
| with some enhancements to gameplay/chess
| engine.
ULTRA06D.ZIP [0] ultra06c.zip - version 0.6c of "The Manley GU
| Robert J. Manley's Gravis Ultrasound MMPM dri
USBBSOV1.ZIP [0] This program will process the USBBSnnn.LST.
| Current copies are available monthly, on the
| first of each month, from various places via
| Internet, and on BBS's.
V21APP.ZIP [0] Adding OS/2 V2.X Applets to OS/2 Warp 3
| 94/12/07. The "Add programs" utility under
| OS/2 Warp 3 will not migrate your OS/2 V2.x
| Productivity and Games applets. Here's how to
| add these programs.
V3DOS.FAX [0] WARP Tips & Hints: Installing OS/2 WARP
| Version 3 with DOS CONFIG.BAK. 10/26/94.
VP6384.TXT [0] WARPTIPS ValuePoint 6384 (P60/D) Install Fail
VXFTP42.ZIP [0] FTP for OS/2, multi-threaded.
W5CRDR.ZIP [0] WARP5INS. 5.25 images for WARP CD/NO HPFS
| versions. You must UNZIP this file and use
| LOADDSKF ( In another file, LOADDF.ZIP,
| LDF.COM, or LOADDSKF PACKAGE) to create the 2
| diskettes.
W5DRDR.ZIP [0] WARP5INS. 5.25 images for WARP DISKETTE
| versions. You must UNZIP this file and use
| LOADDSKF ( In another file, LOADDF.ZIP,
| LDF.COM, or LOADDSKF PACKAGE) to create the 2
| diskettes.
WARP.FAQ [0] This file has answers to some frequently
| asked questions about TCP/IP coexistance with
| Warp's Internet connection. How to get them
| to work together, what's supported, and
| what's not.
WARP5INS.PKG [0] WARP5INS. Package file describing how to use
| W5CRDR.ZIP to install OS/2 Warp with 5.25 in.
| A drive and 3.5 in. B drive
WARPBT.TXT [0] Instructions for MANUALLY Creating a Single
| 1.44 MB Boot Floppy for WARP 3.0 - either FAT
| or HPFS file system.
WARPIN.ZIP [0] WARPTIPS INF file of ALL problems and other
| info EXCEPT for the files listed 12/12/94 in
WARPTCP.FAQ [0] Frequently asked question about WARP and
WCD161.ZIP [0] Wolfgang's Change Directory v1.61 WCD is a
| tool for OS/2 and DOS that allows yo to
| change to a directory across all drives an
| without to enter the complete path- and direc
| name. WCD can create, delete and rename
| directories and do an automatic database upda
| (c) 1994 by Wolfgang Sarp
WEBEXPB.ZIP [0] The Web Explorer beta, for users of OS/2 Warp
| to connect to World Wide Web services through
| Advantis.
WHICHP.TXT [0] WARPTIPS How to tell WHICH Package you got.
WIMM130P.ZIP [0] WIMM 1.30; Personal mail scanner for Squish &
| *.MSG; updated for Squish v1.10; OS/2 version.
WINSTALL.ZIP [0] Utility to facilitate installation of
| 2.10/2.11 WIN-OS/2 Under OS/2 Warp V3
| (TM-IBM), including creation of all command
| prompts and configuration objects.
WKICKR.ZIP [0] WKICKR 'Kicker' diskette images (3.5 inch)
| for ALL WARP FixPaks
WPTOOL14.ZIP [0] WPTOOL maintenance release, see *.txt files
| in package! By Henk Kelder.
WRPIN112.ZIP [0] OS/2 Warp v3 Installation Hints, v1.12,
| compiled by Frank McKenney. Tips and fixes
| for some specific problems that could appear
| during the installation of Warp v3.
WSONY5.ZIP [0] CDDRVR Sony 535 CD Driver. Fixes for WARP to
| get around CD Install problems. Please UNZIP
| the REQUIRED file and follow the READ me in
| the file for file replacement details and
| re-start the Install.
WWWWEB.TXT [0] WARPTIPS WWW WEB and how supported under WARP
YOVA211.ZIP [0] Yova/2 1.1 for OS/2 - OS/2 version of Attax.
| Similar board, pieces and goal of Othello,
| but with different move rules.
YRN2_074.ZIP [0] PC Yarn v0.74 beta release. Suite of programs
| used to store and read USENET news and mail
| offline. Imports articles from SOUP files
| into a news database.
ZIPCT215.ZIP [0] RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.1.5 <ASP> - Easy OS/2
| PM "point and click" interface to UNZIP.EXE
| and ZIP.EXE. Many features. Zip Control is an
| easy to use OS/2 PM program which shields you
| from the command line when using the freeware
| ZIP.EXE & UNZIP.EXE. Zip & UnZip are
| compatible with ZIP files created by the DOS
| PkZIP Program (1.x, 2.x) and are available on
| many BBSs which have OS/2 libraries, the IBM
| NSC BBS, and CompuServe.
ZOC200.ZIP [0] Zap-O-Comm 2.0 - Full featured communications
| for OS/2 PM.
ZS102A.ZIP [0] ZipStream v1.02A is an automatic file
| (de)compression Installable File System.
| Shareware version suspends automatic
| operation (manual decompression still
| available) after 30 days.
ZTB100.ZIP [0] "ZTreeBold" is a text-mode file/directory
| manager for OS/2. Based on XtreeGold, this is
| a true 32bit multithreaded OS/2 application
| which features: Support of long HPFS
| filenames, and EAs; flexible support of *ANY*
| archivi